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E.G. Menzies is living proof that though we never deserve the mercies of God, He continuously baffles us with the mystery concerning who He chooses to use for any reason or any cause. E.G. Menzies is proof God must have a way of knowing a heart that will not follow because the crowd does or someone instructs, but earnestly desires to know what He, God, is truly about . A heart that will walk away if God and that which concerns him makes no sense but will endure if there is a glimmer that He is real. A person who if God is leading a pursuit, will fall and rise as long as it takes to see God's purpose unfold.
He knows the walk of Christ is not for the perfect but those who will persevere unto perfection. A singer since childhood, E.G. Menzies has blessed many through his gift. He has worked in various business sectors over the years. Now as an author, he shares, as God continues to reveal himself and his matters.